Profil użytkownika jeannette-catsoulis

jeannette-catsoulis opublikował(a) recenzję filmu: jeannette-catsoulis

Dark Touch (2013)

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That space between reality and mirage is where Ms. de Van’s strength, and this movie’s true horror, lies. Przeczytaj recenzję
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C.O.G. (2013)

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Despite smatterings of wit and a stable of skilled performers, C.O.G. struggles to find a consistent tone, its episodic structure veering from farcical to poignant to dangerously raw. Przeczytaj recenzję
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GMO OMG (2013)

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To the informed consumer hoping for greater elucidation, Mr. Seifert’s partisan, oversimplified survey falls short. Przeczytaj recenzję
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Il futuro (2012)

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Ms. Scherson’s style — backed wholeheartedly by the cool cinematography of Ricardo de Angelis — may value mood over information, but it’s the perfect vehicle for a portrait of two damaged... Przeczytaj recenzję
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Sparrows Dance (2012)

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Mr. Buschel, armed with an ear for diverting dialogue and actors who know how to sell it, somehow makes it all work. Przeczytaj recenzję
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)

Too much of the film feels like shorthand, a trail of teasing crumbs to lead us to the inevitable sequels. Przeczytaj recenzję
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Austenland (2013)

Advancing without a single original idea or surprising moment, Austenland seems torn between poking fun at the British and lampooning Austen’s many American fanatics — a riskier enterpris... Przeczytaj recenzję
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Blood (2013)

i 2 inne zdjęcia
Dark, airless and packed with psychological hurt that seems to spring from nowhere, this angry morality play, tucked inside a police procedural, suffers from a crippling lack of back stor... Przeczytaj recenzję
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Cockneys vs Zombies (2012)

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As subtle as its title, Cockneys vs. Zombies is mildly funny and easily likable. Przeczytaj recenzję
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The Time Being (2012)

An exhaustingly pretentious heave of artistic self-involvement, The Time Being takes an exceptionally handsome journey to nowhere at all. Przeczytaj recenzję